Yesterday, my tm arrived! I was so excited all day Friday that I douldn't think of anything else. E came over, and we made the mostt amazing stock concentrate from the Everyday Cookook (EDC). The smell went right through the house!
Hi Amanda: Thank you! I've been following your blog with much interest. Just the other day I was trying to figure out how Thermomix would/could be used by those who are blind. Your blog posts are answering all my questions. I would love to talk with you a little more... but there is no email address or contact info posted (?) ...
Hi Amanda: Thank you! I've been following your blog with much interest. Just the other day I was trying to figure out how Thermomix would/could be used by those who are blind. Your blog posts are answering all my questions. I would love to talk with you a little more... but there is no email address or contact info posted (?) ...